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World Intellectual Property Day – one hundred intellectual property rights are integrated into the JWEI intelligent manufacturing! View:1005 times


JWEI has won nearly 100 intellectual property rights that include software copyright, utility innovation patent, invention patent and appearance patent in the nearly 30 years, this ensures the high quality of products and the leading position in the industry.




Now,let us show some of the intelligent software to you,such as JWEI boxes design software/precise positioning cutting software .The boxes design software with more than 250 boxes resource makes it very easy and fast to make boxes,of course,you will save the time and cost of making die.



A high resolution registration camera is supplied as standard with all JWEI flatbed plotter to ensure that printed jobs are cut accurately and optimize the quality of finished products, while QR code recognition automatically locates the correct cutting file for each job.



JWEI also won lots of utility innovation patent,for example,the innovative application for garment cutting system RC03III-1512 with speed increase and suction enhancement;another utility innovation patent is called “a garment cutting system”,it uses intelligent visual control software instead of manual cutting to realize intelligent garment manufacturing.


Talked about the appearance patent,the JWEI LST03 flatbed plotter and TB09 flatbed plotter with simple industrial appearance, show the technology details a lot.The nearly 100 intellectual property rights are all integrated into the JWEI products,and drive the fast updating of products which provides users with efficient, customized and integrated intelligent cutting solutions.

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